About Us

We are a business-to-business organisation who operate within the global firework industry to supply high quality fireworks and pyrotechnics to our trade customers.
We work alongside government bodies, professional trade associations and other key stakeholders to ensure that our business and the wider industry performs to the highest standards of safety and accountability.

Before Celtic Fireworks Ltd. was established, each firework display company would typically import fireworks themelves via sales agents in China, to service their own display business and to sell in small quantities to their industry competitors. Retail outlets could only obtain the mass-market and supermarket-stocked consumer brands to sell to their customers.
This model gradually became less viable when Chinese factories began to increase their minimum case quantities and were thus less interested in smaller orders for specialist products.
Additionally, the administration and complexity of importation and shipping grew over time, alongside the introduction of CE marking and other new legislation, making the whole exercise cost and time prohibitive for smaller companies to undertake themselves.
Celtic Fireworks Ltd. therefore became a dedicated importer and wholesaler – operating with leveraged economies of scale to be able to offer a wide product range to the UK market. A unique operating model was established in China, by employing dedicated staff and premises to manage and oversee manfacturing and quality control direct with factories, and to coordinate shipping according to UK demand.
This structure, combined with Celtic Fireworks Ltd. large buying-power allows us to offer a massive variety of products, alongside simpifying the buying process for our customers.
Our dedicated firework import operation is one of the largest in the UK. Throughout the year we ship containers from our warehouses and factories in China and receive them at our large centrally-located UK stores, with the greatest volume of goods arriving during the summer months to meet the peak UK demand for fireworks in November and December.
We work with approved bodies, testing facilities, shipping lines and hauliers to ensure that all required certification for CE, UKCA, ADR and Customs are in place for every product.
Although the majority of our imports originate from Liuyang, China – the firework-producing capital of the world – we also import high-quality electric Igniters and specialist professional display items from Europe and actively seek new sources of the best products from around the world.

UK Wholesale
This is our core UK business. We operate as dedicated wholesalers – only supplying bona-fide firework display operators and retailers. We do not compete with our own customers by operating retail shops or by undertaking firework displays.

Wholesale customers have access to our extensive catalogue, all supporting information and the ability to place orders from one Excel tool we provide. This powerful application is continually updated and shows live stock levels and likely transport requirements at any time of the day or night when our customers are working.

We distribute products responsibly and professionally, according to all relevant legislation.
Customer collections are also available from our centrally located site.
Our large UK storage facility allows us to hold significant stock levels all year round. This means we can supply goods from across our extensive product range to respond to expected and unexpected customer demand.
China Operations
We employ dedicated staff in China to manage production, storage and logistics from our supplying factories – this means we work directly with the factories to obtain the best products and to closely monitor product quality and manufacturing progress. We work with the best factories to source and secure the variety of high quality product required by our display and retail customers to keep developing their businesses.

Our warehouses in Liuyang and close relationships with factories, allow us to manufacture, consolidate and ship the goods we need according to demand at any time.

We export to European customers through our office in Ireland and we are also able to export worldwide – either from the UK or direct from China.

By using our volume buying leverage and extensive stock holding we can respond quickly to new wholesale export orders, or for a specific event or production.